作为浙南赣东闽北地区唯一的翻译专业本科学位授予点,温州大学外国语学院翻译系应地方需求,对接行业企业,并积极为其实施“走出去”战略培养复合型专业人才。本系师资力量雄厚、队伍构成多元,既具潜心研究的翻译学者、又有久经译务的专业博士,更兼熟稔实操的行业导师。在教学上,本系竭力倡导“翻译+ ”理念,着重突显“翻译+商务”、“翻译+文化”等特色课程模块,以营造多元并蓄的专业学习氛围,满足不同学生的个性化需求,并为其提供各类特色课程群和国际语言志愿者服务活动。此外,本系还拥有“智能云翻译实验室”和“口译实训室”等各类先进的实验实训设备,并积极筹建虚拟仿真、虚拟现实实验室,以保障学生享有充足的线上、线下实验和实训机会,以期为其日后从事职业翻译以及贸易、教育或其他人文交流领域工作打下坚实的基础。
We offer the one and only bachelors’ program of translation and interpreting in southern Zhejiang Province, eastern Jiangxi Province and northern Fujian Province, aiming to foster well-rounded talents to meet the “going-out” demands of local industries and businesses. We take great pride in our team of highly-qualified researchers, educators and practicing professionals, who bring knowledge, expertise and guidance to the classroom to satisfy the individualistic needs of would-be translators and interpreters. We ceaselessly implement our talent-nurturing principle of “Translation Plus” with “+ Business” and “+ Culture” as our leading and distinctive modules. We also provide multicultural & multilingual courses, the state-of-the-art language facilities such as the Applicated Visualization Laboratory for Translation, the Simultaneous Interpreting Booth, and the to-be-set-up VR, which allow students to put knowledge and skills into practice and test both on-line and off-line. This blend of academic and professional expertise, and the advanced technologies as well, will prepare our students for an exciting and international career as a professional translator and interpreter, or in many other fields such as trade, education, and inter-cultural communication.